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Workshops & Bootcamps

Take the next step into your future and get the expertise that will take you further!

Christoph Kral bei einem Digital Leadership Workshop

The hands-on bootcamp & workshop series from culturehack with lots of practical experience and expertise for ambitious decision-makers, managers, CEO'sentrepreneurs, and all people, who want to make a difference in organizations.

Theme: Digital Leadership

Digital leadership in the public sector

Your benefit:

In this workshop, you will strengthen your digital leadership in order to recognize the opportunities of digitalization, develop suitable strategies for public administration, tailor best practices and establish a modern organizational culture.


Certified: DigComp 2.3 AT

Digital humanism in the field

Your benefit:

This workshop will provide you with practical approaches on how to use the principles of Digital Humanism to shape the use of technology in a way that supports and promotes human values in order to create a more just and humane digital future.

Digital Leadership in businesses

Your benefit:

In this workshop, you will strengthen your digital leadership in order to recognize the opportunities of digitalization, develop suitable competitive strategies for your company, tailor best practices and establish an innovative organizational culture.

Certified: DigComp 2.3 AT

Digital Mindset Benchmark

Your benefit:

In this workshop, you will be introduced to an assessment method that measures how well your organization is prepared for the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation by analyzing factors such as technology acceptance, innovation readiness and digital skills.

Theme: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence in logistics

Your benefit:

In this workshop, you will strengthen your ability to successfully navigate through the digitalization tsunami, how to optimize business models, reduce costs and redesign leadership to get your employees on board, win new customers and how AI offers real added value.

Certified: Eligible for ÖCERT funding.

Take the next step towards your successful future!

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